Finding your niche in the startup industry[Story Time Saturday]
This is one of the most important ideas you can learn
Happy Saturday my amazing Readers,
I have something super special for y’all today. An amazing talk that goes into product design, picking your best ideas, and how the conventional narrative around finding your idea is actually worthless.
Not all of you have a desire to get into the startup space or build your own products. That is completely understandable. However, as software developers, we will spend our careers developing products. There is a lot of decision-making we have to make when designing and coding up the product. Especially for those of you that aspire to become Senior Developers, Decision Making will play a much bigger role than your coding abilities. The principles in this video can help you make clearer decisions, with longer-term results.
As you watch the video, consider the following ideas-
What are some ways that you can develop products that will stand out from the competition?
How would you balance the difference between the high performance that comes from narrowing your focus and the scale that comes with tackling a broad set of challenges? What factors would you consider?
As you look at the scale, how do make a decision between expensive but powerful techniques when compared to inexpensive, simple techniques?
Look into the history of some of the software you interact with the most. YouTube, Facebook, IG, MS, and how they tackled the above questions.
Happy Viewing. This video will change your mind on a lot of ideas.
Make sure you share your thoughts on this question/any interesting questions/developments in the comments or through my links. If you liked this post, make sure you tap that heart button and let the world know.
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