Happy Friday y’all,
I got something amazing to kickstart your weekend. I came across this lovely video contextualizing the development of Next.js in the context of all that has happened so far. For those of you looking to get into Web Development/build web-based products, this is a must-watch. However, I would recommend that you all watch it because it is good to have a working knowledge of what is going on in other avenues. You never know when you might have to transition. Once you do watch it, keep scrolling to learn about some lessons we should take from this (applicable to all). Watch it on YouTube here
Done watching? I’m hoping you are because that is a good video. Now let’s actually go over some interesting lessons that we can all take from it.
To make an impact, specialize
The reason that people are able to create the next big framework in web development is simple, they spend a lot of time on web development and understand the process very well.
I know this goes against a lot of what the internet gurus in tech preach. They frequently talk about how it doesn’t matter which framework you learn, and what language you use in your interview. That is absolutely true, for the interview. However, your career doesn’t end at the interview. The easiest way to make sure that your career levels up is to excel at what you do (and learn to present your accomplishments).
People that truly work and are immersed in a particular field have the best chance of spotting opportunities for improvement. Many career gurus will try to push you toward fields that are “hot” and “will make billions in 2030”. Ignore them, they are just trying to sell their courses. There is only one real field that you should be getting into- The one you are willing to invest many hours and years of your life into.

Look into challenges you find interesting, and fields where the foundational requirements match your temperament and skills. Then start working to achieve mastery in that field. In an increasingly, complex and technical world, mastery is more important than ever.
However, Having a Breadth of Knowledge Helps
“React allowed you to view sites as a function of the state.” What does this even mean? I’m sure when most of you see that statement in that video, you had the following reaction.
A lot of people treated this as a revolutionary concept, completely novel. And it was novel, for web development. This representation is something that Functional Programming (something that I recommend you all try out) has been doing for decades. As you explore how knowledge is developed, you will see that people frequently take inspiration from all kinds of other fields to revolutionize their domains.
This might seem contradictory to the last piece of advice. After all, we have only 24 hours, and there are other more important commitments- rest, your health, family, and friends to name a few. However, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on these other subjects. Keep an eye out, learn about how different industries/sectors work, and learn new concepts. Even 2-3 hours in a week will be enough to reap the benefits of having a wide base of knowledge.
Learning different things will open up your mind and teach you to draw connections. It will also give you new perspectives to possibly evaluate, allowing you to improve your problem-solving by leaps and bounds.
Foundations over Shiny Things
Something that long-time readers of mine will be sick of hearing. But learning the basics and truly learning the basics will be the highest ROI decision you can make. Not only will the foundations allow you to identify areas of improvement in your field, but they will allow you to learn the newest ideas and frameworks very quickly. A combination of Math, Basic Economics, Formal Logic, Communication, and Computer Science Theory is something that will help every person trying to break into tech, regardless of specialization.
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That’s about it for this email/post. If you come across any interesting stories, feel free to reach out to me using one of my social media links. Would love to talk to y’all about it.
In the comments below, share what topic you want to focus on. I’d be interested in learning.
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Happy Prep. I’ll see you at your dream job.
Basic Person,
Devansh <3
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