Steps for building Recursive solutions[Technique Tuesday]
This is the best video I've seen on building Recursive Solutions. Recursion
I have a bangin video for y’all today. Reducible is a fantastic channel, and he really carries the 3Blue1Brown ethos forward. The following video lays out the steps to solving any recursive problem. Give it a watch. I would suggest pausing and replaying it at various moments, in order to digest what he is saying and the transitions between steps.
As you watch this video, notice how he creates conjectures, builds up from the base case, and reduces his solutions from harder cases to simpler, already solved cases. Those of you that read the newsletter yesterday, covering the Mathematical principle behind Recursion, will recognize that these steps overlap with PMI. Make sure you practice this very important idea, as I recommended it yesterday. This video validates the ideas discussed in that post.
Lastly, you will notice that this video will only help you create the brute force solution. It doesn’t touch upon dynamic programming techniques, which will give you the most optimal solutions. This might tempt you to ignore the video, and look for the optimal solutions directly. Don’t make this mistake
The reason most people struggle with dynamic programming is that they don’t go for the low-hanging, brute force solution first. A simple solution will lead to a better, but more complex solution. Remember, things are built one step at a time. First focus on the foundations, then work out the more complex ideas. I will cover DP and optimizations later, but to get there, I need you to be a master at Recursive Thinking and identifying recursion patterns.
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Happy Prep. I’ll see you at your dream job.
The One who sees Graphs everywhere,
Devansh <3
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