How Discord Handles Billions of Messages [System Design Sundays]
Something you should definitely know for designing better systems
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Storage is one of the most important components in Systems Design,
Discord is one of the biggest social network platforms out there. The ability to create groups of people that share common interests (servers) is quite powerful. In my university, Discord is one of the most popular social media apps. People use it for everything, from 1-1 interaction to setting up club meetings. Discord is steadily gathering usage and getting mainstream.
Discord had 140 million monthly active users in 2021, a 40% increase on the previous year.
So how does Discord store the tons of messages users generate? Let’s get into it.
Private text chat heavy Discord servers send a decent number of messages, easily reaching between 100 thousand to 1 million messages a year.
To those of that want the full details, you can read Discord’s engineering blog answering the same question (linked above). This post will primarily refer to that and the other post, HOW DISCORD INDEXES BILLIONS OF MESSAGES
Key Points-
The preprocessing- To find their needs and requirements, Discord did a large scale analysis on the kind of data generated. You will not be able to do so in an interview context. However you can implement a technique I call implementing the personas. Here you think of the system you are being asked to design and think of the kinds of users that would use it (and how they would do so). Use that to figure out monetization and start implementing the technical details then. This is good because you demonstrate your ability to think in terms of business cases. Also this will allow you to dictate the battle and really pick the areas you’re mosy comfortable with.
Choosing the right database- When stoing things, the first requirement is always the database used. Discord settled on Cassandra after going over their requirements. Their requirements as follows-
How Cassandra Works- “The best way to describe Cassandra to a newcomer is that it is a KKV store. The two Ks comprise the primary key. The first K is the partition key and is used to determine which node the data lives on and where it is found on disk. The partition contains multiple rows within it and a row within a partition is identified by the second K, which is the clustering key. The clustering key acts as both a primary key within the partition and how the rows are sorted. You can think of a partition as an ordered dictionary”
Indexing the messages- Once you start storing a lot of messages, the search functionality becomes the next important step. Indexing is a great tool to search through large datasets efficiently.
Search Needs-
Mode Chosen- Given all these requirements, the team chose ElasticSearch. IBM has a wonderful video going ElasticSearch and its utility so I’m linking that below. It’s a great overview without getting too much into the implementation (which is what most of you need for understanding when to use it). We’ll do a more detailed post on it soon because of how important it is in modern systems.
If you have the time, I would definitely suggest reading through both writeups, because the authors give a lot of details. They mention some of the challenges they went through, the results of running through different tests, etc. As I’ve stated many times, Engineering Blogs are some of the best resources on the internet to up your game quickly. I used them to skyrocket my Machine Learning skills. That journey is covered below-
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Go kill all and Stay Woke,
Devansh <3
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