Sitemap - 2021 - Technology Made Simple

[Solution]Problem 18: Pack Words on Board [Google]

The Best Machine Learning Company of 2021

Problem 18: Pack Words on Board [Google]

Google AI and Princeton discover this about Deep Learning

[Solution]Problem 17: Minimum cost of painting N houses up to K different colors.[Facebook]

Why you should implement Evolutionary Algorithms in your Machine Learning Projects

Problem 17: Minimum cost of painting N houses up to K different colors.[Facebook]

My 5 Year Machine Learning Journey

Microsoft, Timnit Gebru, and Google AI

[Solution]Problem 16: Last index of value[Amazon]

Problem 16: Last index of value[Amazon]

[Solution]Mastermind Code Decoding [Facebook]

Problem 15: Mastermind Code Decoding [Facebook]

Researchers Discover Possible Reason why Adversarial Perturbation Works

[Solution]Problem 14: Smallest Closed Interval [Google]

Problem 14: Smallest Closed Interval [Google]

Problem 13: Non-Repeating Rearrangement of String [IBM]

[Solution]Problem 12: Group Shifted Strings [Facebook]

Problem 12: Group Shifted Strings [Facebook]

[Solution]Problem 11: Counts nodes in Complete Binary Tree [Amazon]

Problem 11: Counts nodes in Complete Binary Tree [Amazon]

[Solution]Problem 10: Discover minimum transmission range [Spotify]

Problem 10: Discover minimum transmission range [Spotify]

[Solution]Problem 9: Find all the Bridges in a graph [Mozilla]

Problem 9: Find all the Bridges in a graph [Mozilla]

[Solution]Problem 8: Maximum Stock Profit[Facebook]

Problem 8: Maximum Stock Profit[Facebook]

[Solution]Problem 7: Merge Binary Trees [Salesforce]

Problem 7: Merge Binary Trees [Salesforce]

[Solution]Problem 6: Find the smallest positive number missing from an unsorted array [Apple]

Problem 6: Find the smallest positive number missing from an unsorted array [Apple]

[Solution]Problem 5: Generate Random Numbers According to Probability [TripleByte]

Problem 5: Generate Random Numbers According to Probability [TripleByte]

Ways to Solve Most Tree Question

[Solution]Problem 4: ZigZag String [PayPal]

Problem 4: ZigZag String [PayPal]

[Solution]Problem 3: Square Elements of Sorted List and return in Sorted Order [Google]

Problem 3: Square Elements of Sorted List and return in Sorted Order [Google]

Problem 2: Find all occurrences of Substring Solution [Microsoft] (Example of Solutions in Paid Version)

Problem 2(Microsoft): Find Substring Occurences

Problem #1 Solution

Google [Easy-Medium] Problem. Problem #1